John MacArthur-Why Every Self Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Prayer Request from a Family Friend

From Mom's friend Diana Jones: "a dear friend, Bob Meiter, whom I have known my whole life and considered a brother, who is in extremely poor health and needs our prayers. He is currently in the Medical Center in Beaver, Pennsylvania, with no idea when he will be able to go home.

He is a severe DIABETIC, and has lost his eyesite almost completely because of it. Now, he has also begun suffering from poor circulation in his legs, and was forced to have one of his toes amputated yesterday. He was actually unaware of the sevrity of the infection because of his eyesite, and (I'm guessing) an apparent loss of feeling in his legs from the circulation problems.

He is also on dialysis three times a week, and is so weak from the treatments that he can hardly walk. He desperately needs our prayers to get his name placed on the KIDNEY TRANSPLANT List. This transplant is the only thing that might give him a chance at returning to a somewhat normal life.

He is a wonderful person who shouldn't have to suffer like he is today. Please keep his name in your prayers. With your prayers and God's help, I know Bob could experience a miracle!



No one likes to experience physical suffering - least of all me! That is why the physical resurrection is such a great and glorious hope/promise for the Christian!
"Remember them...which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." --Heb 13:3

P.S. One of our family members, Josie Massey-Freeman, was taken from this earth last week. Her death was a shock and she will be sorely missed.

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