John MacArthur-Why Every Self Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Gordons bydand

I was going to sign up for a coin forum and needed an avatar, so I was looking for the Gordon badge/crest to put on my family tartan when low and behold I come across this guy's: Solia Gratia post and was pleasantly surprised to find that he must be a Calvinist...? Well, I went on and made my own:

Do you think I should go tell him that he's a pretender and that we are the original title holders to that land and that castle? ;o)

UPDATE: Well, it turns out that my little coin is a "love token" this website shows a photo that looks very similar to my coin; this website has a lot of great images; this website has a chatelaine and talks about the most popular print being Engravers Old English; and this cute little website has the little ditty about "there was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile" and what all that has to do with love tokens, and last but not least is the lovetokensociety site. I guess I should have named my daughter Geneva Nicole... ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Veritas,

    Just returning the favor of a visit with this visit to your place. It's good to see the GORDON tartan being shared with the world!

    Thanks again for the HT!

    By Grace Alone,
